Creating Date: 2005/July/21
Lastest Update: 2005/July/21
The most general vision about JTasks is a software to manager the developers tasks. JTasks must be security, thus a login page with access level must be implemented.
The user admin will have access to give access level for any user. To visit the system, in other words, to see the tasks, the user doesn't need a login, he can access the page using no login, but for this, the system must be only restricted to "view" access, no add tasks, update, delete whatever, can be done. A new login can be created only by the users, but only the admin can give access for them. The admin must be alerted by email when a new login was created.
To ADD new items in the system, such as: new projects, new status, new tasks and so fourth, just the users with admin access level can do that. Normal users only could update the tasks assigned for them. This feature must be working perfectly.
JTasks allows the user add a lot of information. Bellow follows the list about the information that the JTasks will have allow:
JTasks uses some excellent technology. The base platform has been made using Java / J2EE platform. To work with database, JTasks use the excellent persistence framework called Hibernate. MVC (model-view-controller) is the system's base, to increase the productivity JTasks uses Webwork as MVC framework. Using XP practices, we are using JUnit to make the unit test. Displaytag is being used to show the data in Grid. We would like to thanks the open-source community for build these excellent tools.